Business Law
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- CGA - $599
This course is designed to teach the student about the various legal aspects of business. Module topics include: Law and the Legal Environment, Contracts, and Sales and Lease Contracts. Each one of these topics is broken down into multiple modules to give in-depth instruction. Please click the "Handouts" tab to access the Business Law course syllabus.
18 of the 19 modules have Quizzes after them and you are required to pass at least one of them before the next module unlocks. The two Quizzes after each module have different questions. The correct answer for Quiz questions is the answer which is "most right". Please email education_info@nacm.org if you are unable to pass either one of the Quiz attempts.
Some of our modules include guest speakers that provide additional valuable information to the course. Here are descriptions for our instructor and guest speakers:
Business Law instructor: Rod Wheeland, Wheeland Consulting, LLC: Originally trained as an accountant, Rod became active in executive management and governance in the 1980's. For more than two decades, he served as President & CEO of NACM Commercial Services, one of the most successful trade associations in North America. During his tenure, in addition to the non-profit operations of the trade association and the for-profit operations of the service company, he was involved in mergers and acquisitions and the ownership and management of commercial office buildings.
Prior to NACM, from 1990-1995, Rod was General Credit Manager for Pendleton Woolen Mills. From 1982-1990, he was a partner in the consulting firm of Dyrnes Wheeland (Portland, Oregon), where he focused on working capital management and effective credit, billing, and accounts receivable practices.
During the 1980s, Rod began teaching college courses in business credit principles and financial analysis. In recent years, he's added classes on business law and credit law. He continues to enjoy teaching in adult education programs.
Rod has served on several Boards as a Director and as an Officer, including Cascade Employers Association, Oregon Society of Association Management, NACM Oregon and NACM National, and West Willamette Habitat for Humanity.
Rod received the Certified Credit Executive (CCE) designation from the National Association of Credit Management in 1991. He earned the Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation from the American Society of Association Executives in 2007. He has a BA from Eastern Washington University (Spokane) and an MA from York University (Toronto).