1. What is a learning module?
Modules are like individual sessions, chapters, or seminars. They are educational lectures on one targeted topic. Modules are audio/visual videos that can be paused, re-winded, and fast-forwarded.
2. I'm ready to purchase my first module. Do I have to watch it immediately?
No, but your purchased module/course will only remain in "My Account" for 6 months. After 6 months, you will need to repurchase the module/course if you have not completed it.
3. How much time should I set aside to view and listen to the module?
You should plan to allocate approximately 60 uninterrupted minutes to successfully complete a learning module. The 60-minute module is made up of a 45/50-minute presentation/lecture followed by a 10-question quiz to test your comprehension of the subject matter. Each presentation/lecture has two components: audio (the presenter speaking) and visual (a synchronized PowerPoint presentation).
4. May I print out or save the slide presentation?
Yes! Once you click on the specific module, you will see a "Handouts" tab where you can download and print the PDF version of the slides and/or chapter.
5. May I stop the module if I am interrupted or want to jot down some notes?
Yes, simply click on the pause button at any time to stop the presentation/lecture.
6. Why should I take the quiz?
Validating your comprehension of the topic is key; the quiz simply signals your mastery of the topic presented. The quiz is made up of 10 true/false and multiple choice questions ... no tricks, we promise. By answering 7 or more questions correctly, you'll earn a passing grade.
7. What if I don't pass the quiz?
You may take the quiz a second time, but please be sure to listen to the presentation again or review your notes before your second attempt. You may attempt each quiz twice. If you plan to use a module as part of a course or specialty certificate, you'll need to earn a passing score. After two quiz attempts, you'll need to repurchase the module if you did not pass the quiz.
8. Will I earn CEUs for the modules I view and listen to?
Yes, you must take the quiz in order to earn CEUs. This will verify your participation in the entire session, satisfying the CEU award criteria. The information about the CEUs you earn will be automatically recorded in your NACM-National profile. (You do not need to submit information to NACM.) Each module is worth .1 CEU.
9. How can I see a record of my CEU earnings?
Simply log on to the NACM website at www.nacm.org to view your custom profile. You can click on "Check My Account" and then "Participation" and then "CEU" to view all of your CEU earnings.
10. What is the difference between a module and a course?
A course is made up of several modules; the number of modules per course will vary. For example, several modules comprise the CBA-level course, Principles of Business Credit. More courses will be added to the NACM Learning Center.
11. What is a Specialty Certificate?
NACM has designed several groupings of modules. These groupings comprise a "Specialty Certificate". You'll receive a certificate of completion after satisfying each of the specialty requirements. For example, to earn the Commercial Collections Specialist Certificate, you'll need to successfully complete all of the modules required. Watch for more specialty certificates ... more modules, courses and specialty certificate choices will be added to the Credit Learning Center each month!
12. Who do I contact if I have questions or problems?
You may contact any member of the NACM-National Education Services Department for information about the educational content, courses, or specialty certificate requirements. You can reach us by email at education_info@nacm.org or by phone at 800-955-8815.
13. Selecting Modules
To determine the suitability of a module for your needs, it is best to look at the denoted level along with the module description to determine your choice. Look for the symbol in the expanded module summary (click More Info in the module summary). Modules are denoted as one or more of the following:
Modules marked with a "B" present material or topics at an introductory level or cover a topic in a more general manner.
Modules marked with an "I" are best suited for those with a cursory knowledge of a subject.
Modules marked with an "A" are best suited for those with a working knowledge of the subject or provide a more in-depth exploration of the topic.
Modules marked with a "U" present a review of new developments and are best suited for those with some knowledge of a subject and are wishing to remain current.
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