Bankruptcy – Exercising Your Rights as a Creditor
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In this learning module the credit professional will learn what rights he or she has as a creditor. The credit professional may recognize the term reclamation from state law concepts. Although reclamation is not specifically a bankruptcy concept it is implemented in bankruptcy. This module will present the topics of Reclamation, Administrative Claims and Dealings with Bankruptcy. After successful completion of this learning module the student should understand reclamation and how to exercise reclamation rights, the 20-day administrative claim (or 503(b)(9)) and how and when to file one, what a creditor should do when learning about a debtor’s bankruptcy, how to know when to file proof of claim, when a creditor is bound by an automatic stay, what a preference is and is not and why a creditor might force a debtor into bankruptcy.
Speaker Bio:
Robert S. Bernstein is managing partner of Bernstein Law Firm, P.C. , He serves as counsel to commercial landlords, equipment lessors, bankruptcy trustees, creditors' committees, creditors, and reorganizing businesses in proceedings throughout Pennsylvania and the Middle Atlantic States, concentrating in the many facets of bankruptcy and commercial law. , Mr. Bernstein writes and lectures for local and national groups on matters of collection, bankruptcy, business law, and professional ethics and, for more than ten years, has been certified as both a creditors' rights and business bankruptcy specialist by the American Board of Certification. , Mr. Bernstein earned a BA from the University of Pittsburgh in 1976 and a J.D. from Duquesne University in 1981.